
Real-Time Control over Wireless Links (2009 - 2011)

My ECSE undergraduate thesis project at Monash University. The primary goal of this project was to develop a system which demonstrates real-time control of multiple mobile nodes over a wireless link. The project included the design and implementation of all the required hardware and software.


qt-opencv-multithreaded (2011 - present)

A multithreaded OpenCV C++ application using the Qt framework. This relatively simple multithreaded application can be easily modified to suit the needs of your next Qt GUI-based computer vision project using OpenCV. All relevant documentation including installation and usage instructions can be found on this project's Google Code page.


Monash Smart Packet Radio (2011)

The next-generation packet radio module (details on the previous generation(s) can be found here) to be used by Monash University both as a teaching tool and in undergraduate and postgraduate projects.


AVR XMEGA uC/OS Ports (2012)

Ports of Micrium's popular embedded real-time operating systems: uC/OS-II and uC/OS-III - designed to run on either the AVR XMEGA-A1 Xplain or the newer AVR XMEGA-A1 Xplained evaluation board. These ports can also be easily modified to suit any project based around the AVR XMEGA-A1 microcontroller.